Changing the world one website at a time.
Hi! My name is Dr. Jeremy D. Cox. I have been happily married for 29 years. We have 1 child, named Seth. I love developing websites. I use AI to design my websites and rank them in Google. I have been the webmaster for a few organizations:
The School of Biblical and Theological Studies (defunct)
Slidell Baptist Seminary (Document Converter),
I use my knowledge of HTML to structure websites and CSS to design them. I do not know JavaScript but maybe one day I will. I started designing websites 12 years ago. I have used the following Content Management Systems (CMS):
I have taken courses thru the following online courses:
W3Schools.com - HTML Student
SoloLearn.com - HTML and CSS Certification
Penn Foster.edu - Web Page Design Diploma
NYIAD.edu - FrontEnd Web Development
I am a web designer who uses my HTML and CSS expertise to create visually appealing and well-structured websites. Although I currently lack knowledge of JavaScript, I aspire to learn it in the future. My journey in website design began 12 years ago, and since then, I have worked with various content management systems (CMS) to enhance my skills and efficiency.

Dr. Jeremy D. Cox
Souls Harbor Ministries
webmaster - 17 years
(John 3:36)
I'm passionate about what I do, and never do things half-heartedly.
I believe it's pointless to do something if you're not going to do it well.
I have been called Honest Abe several times. I once reported a .25-cent overpayment on my paycheck. Better to be known as honest than a liar and untrustworthy.
Recognition certificate
for web development for
Vinemont Christian Academy websites.
>>> Diploma (2004) PC Repair
>>> HTML (2015) - Fundamentals of HTML
>>> CSS (2021) - Fundamentals of CSS
>>> Diploma (2016) - Web Page Designer
>>> Certificate (2021) - Webmaster
>>> HTML (2025) - Website Coder

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